Monster Beverage Corporation and its subsidiaries (collectively, “Monster Energy”) are committed to conducting business responsibly. It is of the utmost importance to operate with the highest of ethical standards. Monster Energy holds its directors, officers, and employees to these standards, guided by our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.
This commitment extends to all of our suppliers. The Monster Beverage Corporation Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our expectations for suppliers in a range of important areas, and applies to both a supplier’s own practices and the acts of a supplier’s employees. The values contained in this document reflect our respect for international human rights principles, and the Company is committed to respecting the human rights that the International Labor Organization has declared to be fundamental rights at work. We encourage our suppliers to work toward implementing best practices and to exceed the requirements of this Supplier Code of Conduct.
The Supplier Code of Conduct contains general requirements applicable to all of our suppliers. Particular supplier contracts may contain more specific provisions addressing some of these same issues. Nothing in the Supplier Code of Conduct is meant to supersede any more specific provision in a particular contract, and to the extent that there is any inconsistency between the Supplier Code of Conduct and any other provision of a particular contract, the contractual provision will control. With prior notice, we may from time to time conduct reasonable audits to verify a supplier’s compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct.
The Supplier Code of Conduct was last updated in May 2020.
We expect our suppliers to conduct business responsibly, with integrity, honesty, and transparency, and to adhere to the following principles:
Comply with all applicable local and national laws and regulations of the jurisdictions in which a supplier provides goods or services to Monster Energy.
Prohibit the use of child labor, as defined by International Labor Organization convention or applicable law if more stringent, and comply with all applicable local and national child labor laws.
Prohibit the use of all forms of forced labor, including prison labor, bonded labor, indentured labor, military labor, or slave labor, as well as any form of human trafficking. Prohibit restrictions on an employee’s freedom of movement, including through retention of passports or other personal documents without the employee’s consent.
Prohibit physical abuse of employees, and comply with applicable local and national laws addressing abuse of employees.
Operate in full compliance with applicable wage, work hours, overtime, and benefits laws. Compensate employees relative to the industry and local labor market, and offer employees opportunities to develop their skills and advancement opportunities where possible.
Respect employees’ right to join, form, or not join a labor union without fear of reprisal, intimidation, or harassment. Where employees are represented by a legally recognized union, establish a constructive dialogue with their freely chosen representatives, and bargain in good faith with such representatives. Observe all applicable local and national laws on freedom of association and collective bargaining.
Encourage a diverse workforce free of discrimination. The basis for recruitment, hiring, placement, training, compensation, and advancement should be qualifications, performance, skills, and experience. Comply with applicable local and national anti-discrimination laws.
Refrain from having employees pay recruitment or other fees to obtain or retain their employment, and any such fees should be paid by the employer, not the employee. Make employees aware of the terms and conditions of employment either orally or in writing.
Provide a secure, safe, and healthy workplace. Minimize the risk of accidents, injury, and exposure to health risks as far as reasonably practicable. Comply with applicable local and national health and safety standards.
Conduct business in ways which protect and preserve the environment. Consider sustainable agriculture practices, waste management, and pollution control, as well as opportunities for conservation of natural resources, water, and energy. Meet all applicable environmental laws, rules, and regulations.
Protect confidential information of Monster Energy, and do not share it unless authorized to do so by Monster Energy. Take all reasonable and necessary precautions to keep confidential information safe.
Conduct business with integrity, avoiding bribes and fraudulent practices and respecting relevant local and national laws, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act. Refuse to, either directly or indirectly, pay, give, offer, promise, or authorize the payment or giving of money or anything of value to a foreign official in order to assist in obtaining, retaining, or directing business. Similarly, refuse to offer, make, promise to make, or authorize any payment or gift, regardless of value, to any foreign official.
Avoid any relationships with Monster Energy employees that might conflict or appear to conflict with an employee’s obligation to act in the interest of Monster Energy. Take care that any personal relationship with a Monster Energy employee is not used to influence that employee’s business judgment. When a supplier’s employee has a close family relation (spouse, parent, sibling, grandparent, child, grandchild, in-law, or same or opposite sex domestic partner) with an employee of Monster Energy, or if a supplier has any other relationship with a Monster Energy employee that might be a conflict of interest, disclose this fact to Monster Energy or ensure that the Monster Energy employee does so. Recognize that Monster Energy employees cannot accept anything more than modest gifts from suppliers.
Provide supplier’s employees and workers with a mechanism to express grievances and violations or suspected violations of the Supplier Code of Conduct without fear of retaliation or reprisal. Ensure concerns are appropriately addressed in a timely manner. Elevate potential violations to management if necessary.
Report violations or suspected violations of the Supplier Code of Conduct to Monster Energy, submitting a report in one of the following ways:
Monster Beverage Corporation
ATTN: Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel
1 Monster Way
Corona, CA 92879
(800) 506-4310 (U.S.) or (844) 815-4398 (international)
The hotline is available globally 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Any reporting should be permitted without fear of retaliation or reprisal.